This is the reason pregnant women diligently exercise smart babies

Hereditary advice that says pregnant women should move a lot, it turns out there is truth. Active pregnant women, including light exercise regularly, will get many benefits. The benefits are amazing, namely the potential to have a smart baby. The reason for this is the cortisol which is released by the body when pregnant women are exercising. The hormone cortisol supports the formation and development of the fetal brain.

Facts Supported by Various Studies

This has been proven through a medical study. The researchers compared the results of intelligence tests and language skills in children aged five years. Evidently, the children of mothers who exercise lightly throughout pregnancy, have a higher value than mothers who do not exercise. The experts in this study recommend that pregnant women exercise at least 30 minutes every day. This recommendation is almost similar to another study which states that exercising at least 20 minutes three times each week has the potential to make babies become smarter. The study involved 60 pregnant women who were divided into two groups. The first group was asked to exercise regularly with a measuring instrument. Conversely, pregnant women in the second group did not exercise at all. After each baby is born, researchers record their brain activity when they are 8-12 days old. The results showed babies of mothers who exercise regularly since becoming pregnant have better developed brains. Exercise also supports pregnant women while not experiencing excess weight gain. As is known, excessive body weight increases the risk of preterm labor. Premature babies are very at risk of experiencing mental disorders related to IQ scores and achievement in school. That's because premature babies will stop early getting nutrients from the placenta, are exposed to stimuli that are usually protected by the uterus, not to mention being more susceptible to infectious attacks. For pregnant women with normal weight, weight gain should not exceed 15 kg. Meanwhile, pregnant women who are already overweight are strongly advised not to experience an increase in weight exceeding 11 kg. On the other hand, pregnant women who have below normal weight are encouraged to increase their weight to the range of 13-18 kg.

What are the Recommended Sports?

In addition to supporting fetal brain development, exercise in pregnant women is beneficial in improving mood, quality of sleep, and reducing pain due to pregnancy. Research also shows a reduced risk of diabetes and preeclampsia. Sports for pregnant women can also strengthen muscles and prepare for delivery. As long as it is done carefully and not too much, almost all forms of exercise for pregnant women are considered beneficial. However, here are some types of exercise that are considered safer for pregnant women to do.
  • On foot. This activity is a good cardio exercise with a low risk of foot injury. Walking is also easy to do anywhere and can be done until before delivery.
  • Experts say swimming is the safest and most effective sport for pregnant women. When swimming, almost all large muscles in the body will be moved so that it can improve cardiovascular health and reduce pain. Water sports are very appropriate for pregnant women who experience back pain.
  • Low impact aerobics. Not only the heart, the muscles of the body will also benefit from aerobic exercise. Not to mention aerobics classes with other pregnant women will add to the enjoyment of training together.
  • Dance. Dancing activities can train the heart of pregnant women. Dancing can be done in a special class or as simple as dancing in the family room at home. It's just to avoid excessive jumping or turning.
Badminton or other racquet sports should be done with caution because generally the balance of pregnant women is not optimal. Pregnant women who usually exercise in the morning, jogging can be the right activity, provided it is not excessive. So many benefits of exercise for pregnant women who love to miss, so do not be lazy to move again, yes!


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