
Showing posts from December, 2019

This is a Problem on Baby's Skin and How to Care

Not merely because of thirst and hunger, your little one could be fussy because of other problems, you know, one of them is skin problems. Even though Mother is very skilled at caring for Little One, but at any time she could be affected by a variety of skin problems such as diaper rash, prickly heat, acne, and others. Taking care of a baby who is still a baby, it is not easy. Mother is required to always maintain cleanliness, because skin diseases can affect anyone, including the baby Mother. The skin of newborns is indeed susceptible to various rashes and other skin problems. Fortunately, most of these rashes are harmless and can go away on their own. 3 Skin Problems that often occur in infants Little itchy skin on reflexes make him scratch, and it can make the skin become blisters. Of course Mother does not want it if the little skin turns red, scaly, and itchy due to various skin problems that can attack it? For this reason, you must know what causes your baby's skin prob...

Regarding Skin Hyperpigmentation Disease and How to Overcome It

Hyperpigmentation is a condition of the appearance of dark spots on the skin. The causes can vary. Although generally harmless, hyperpigmentation can interfere with appearance. However, there are several ways you can do to overcome them. Skin hyperpigmentation occurs when the body produces excessive amounts of melanin. Melanin itself is a pigment that plays a role in giving body skin color. Dark spots on the skin can generally arise in certain body parts, but can also throughout the body. Hyperpigmentation can be caused by various factors, such as inflammation of the skin, excessive and prolonged exposure to the sun, skin aging, use of certain drugs, such as birth control pills, pregnancy, hemochromatosis (excessive iron levels), and Addison's disease. 4 Types of Hyperpigmentation Hyperpigmentation can be divided into several types. Each has a different cause, such as excessive sun exposure, age, or the impact of certain skin diseases. Some of the most common types of hyperp...

This is the reason pregnant women diligently exercise smart babies

Hereditary advice that says pregnant women should move a lot, it turns out there is truth. Active pregnant women, including light exercise regularly, will get many benefits. The benefits are amazing, namely the potential to have a smart baby. The reason for this is the cortisol which is released by the body when pregnant women are exercising. The hormone cortisol supports the formation and development of the fetal brain. Facts Supported by Various Studies This has been proven through a medical study. The researchers compared the results of intelligence tests and language skills in children aged five years. Evidently, the children of mothers who exercise lightly throughout pregnancy, have a higher value than mothers who do not exercise. The experts in this study recommend that pregnant women exercise at least 30 minutes every day. This recommendation is almost similar to another study which states that exercising at least 20 minutes three times each week has the potential to make...

Myths and Facts About Anesthetic Epidurals during Labor

Epidural anesthesia is a method of pain relief that is often used in labor. However, there are many myths circulating around this anesthetic that some women are afraid to go through. Let's explore what these myths are and the true facts about epidural anesthesia. Epidural injection is performed in the lower back nerve. This anesthetic will make the area around the injection and half the body area (from the navel to the legs) numb during labor. However, epidural anesthesia is different from general anesthesia because it does not use drugs that make patients sleep. When using an epidural anesthetic the mother will be kept from pain, but remain conscious while undergoing labor. Myths and Epidural Anesthetic Facts The following are some myths about epidural injections and their facts: 1. Epidural injection myths can harm the baby Myth says that epidural anesthesia can cause fetal paralysis or cerebral palsy. The fact: Everything that enters your body will affect the fetus, i...

Knee Pain When Bended, This Is the Cause and How to Treat It

Knee has an important role in supporting all your daily activities, from standing, walking, to running. But the knee hurts when bent can cause disruption of your daily activities. For that, identify the cause of the knee pain when bent and how to treat it. Actually there are various conditions that can cause knee pain when bent. One of them is bursitis, which is inflammation of the bursa which is a pouch filled with joint lubricating fluid. This condition can appear suddenly and disrupt your activities. Various Causes of Knee Pain when Bended? In addition to bursitis, a sore knee when bent can also be caused by several other conditions, such as: 1. Injury Having an injury to the knee can also be a cause of knee pain when bent. This is because when injured in the knee, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons can experience tension and damage. If one of these knee parts is torn or too tense, then that's when you may experience a knee pain when bent. 2. Meniscus tears The meniscus...